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 Unit 5 Music Period4 Reading for Writing 教学目标 :




 学习能力目标:通过对演讲文本的分析和研读,学生能够将演讲的结构特征和语言特征内化为自己的语言知识, 并通过分层的步骤活动,进一步落实演讲的写作能力,能灵活运用各种修辞手法,在输出过程中创造出有感染力的演讲短文,并能加以修改,在积极的输出过程中,提升自身英语学习效率的意识和能力。

 教学 过程:

 Step One: Revise & Warm up Activity one: Brainstorm Q:How can music help us and change our life?

 Step Two: Read for the structure of a speech Tip1: Appropriate structure makes the speech smooth, logical and coherent.

 Step Three: Read for the information of the speech Q1.What was Sarah’s problem? Q2. How did music help her during her difficult time? Q3. What did music bring to Sarah? Q4. What is Sarah’s advice to others? Q5. What kind of person is Sarah?

  Tip 2: Suitable personal experience/anecdote makes the speech sincere, touching and impressive.

 Step Four: Read for the language features of the speech Tip 3: Proper rhetorical devices make the speech powerful, convincing and successful.

 Step Five: Write a speech about music Write a speech about how music can change a person"s life by using the structure and the rhetorical devices.

 Group work: Think of ways that people experience music, and how music can help people.

 Useful expressions Useful expressions in the “Start” part of the speech

  Useful expressions in the “Body” part of the speech Useful expressions in the “Ending” part of the speech

 Writing task:

 Make use of what we talk about the speech---the structure, the rhetorical devices and useful expressions, and then combine them with your own experiences, finish your speech about how music changes our life. Checklist to polish the speech draft Exchange drafts with a partner. Use this checklist to help you revise the draft.

 Step Six: Homework Polish the speech and then practise it with a partner. Exchange suggestions on improving your speeches. Be ready to give your speech to the class with expression and emotion. Before your speech, ask the students for their opinions on your topic. Give your speech. Remember you want to change someone else’s point of view, so

  you must sound sincere and convinced of your own arguments.

相关热词搜索: 5 Music Period4 Reading for Writing教案 标签 学年 教案



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