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 一、阅读理解 A A little chameleon(变色龙) was sad that he didn"t have a color of his own like other animals. Every time he moved around, he had to change color. When he was walking around the forest, he found a red flower. Then he walked close to it and his skin turned red. He liked red best and decided to keep red as his own color. On a sunny day, the chameleon went to ask a horse for help. This horse was an artist. She colored the chameleon red with her tail. Then the chameleon came to the grass to play. A snake saw him and began to come to him. The chameleon ran away. He climbed a tree. An eagle(鹰) saw him and wanted to catch him. The chameleon ran away again. Later, he jumped into a river. The water washed away the color on his skin. Then he quickly climbed a tree and stayed under the leaves. He turned green, the same color as the leaves. The snake and the eagle couldn"t find him. Now the chameleon was happy to be himself again. So know yourself better from knowing your talents. All things in their being are good for something.

 1.The chameleon wanted to

  at first.

  A. find a safe place to live in B. find a good friend to play with C. wash away the color of his body D. choose a favorite color as his own color 2.The chameleon didn"t lose his life because


 A. he swam very fast

 B. he could climb trees C. he moved to a safe place D. he changed his skin color 3.The purpose of the passage is


 A. to tell us to be ourselves B. to show how to protect ourselves C. to warn us not to play outside alone D. to explain how the chameleon changes his color

 B Wonderful Experiences in Australia Phillip Island Nature Park Adult: £79.00 Child: £67.00 Location (位置): Melbourne Have fun at Phillip Island Nature Park. You will spend half a day there. You can see many animals, such as koalas, kangaroos and penguins (企鹅) at the park. Balloon Flight Adult: £209.00 Child: £161.00 Location: Melbourne Enjoy an early morning balloon flight over the beautiful city of Melbourne. After the flight you will enjoy a wonderful breakfast at the Hilton Hotel. Amazing Sailing Adult: £168.00 Restaurant Tour-Lunch Adult: £56.00

 Child: £126.00 Location: Sydney Relax and enjoy wonderful sights of the heart of Sydney as you sail across the sea in a large boat. Child: £50.00 Location: Melbourne Having lunch in Melbourne can be a wonderful experience, especially in old trams (有轨电车) that have become restaurants.

 4.11-year-old Tom and his parents will visit Phillip Island Nature Park. They should pay


 A. £79

 B. £146

 C. £158

 D. £225 5.When can you enjoy wonderful sights of the heart of Sydney? A. When you visit Phillip Island Nature Park. B. When you sail across the sea. C. When you have lunch in an old tram. D. When you take a balloon ride. 6.What can we learn from the passage? A. People can see animals at the Hilton Hotel. B. Food in the trams is not good. C. Melbourne is a beautiful city. D. There are no aquatic (水栖的) animals at Phillip Island Nature Park. 7.People who want to

  are most interested in this passage.

 A. travel in Australia

 B. learn about the history of Australia C. eat Eastern food D. see forests 二、任务型阅读 [2020 重庆 B 卷改编] It"s normal for the human mind to wander(走神). So many things may fill your mind and pull your thoughts in different directions. This isn"t always bad. Sometimes a wandering mind can lead to a new creation. However, wandering thoughts can also stop you from getting things done, keep you up at night, or hurt your health. Don"t worry. Try the following practice.

  Doing Exercise and Activities

  Slow down and let your mind focus(专注) on your breathing. By controlling your breathing, you make your mind work together with your body. Once you lose interest in what you"re doing, you can take a break from it. Go for a walk, do some exercise, take a shower or even lie down and think about nothing. These activities help a lot.

 Focusing on Tasks You"re Doing

  Do one task at a time. It won"t slow you down. Instead, it keeps your mind focused and you"ll be able to get more done quickly. While doing tasks, don"t look around from time to time. If there"s something keeping your mind wandering, allow yourself a specific(特定的) time to worry, think or plan. When the time is up, refocus on your next task.

 Controlling Worrying Thoughts

  Writing down or sharing your worries helps to get them out of your head. When there"s a big task, it"s understandable to put it off. But by facing it bravely and trying to solve it, you can get

 away from your worrying thoughts. If it doesn"t work after you"ve tried everything, accept that there are always things you can"t change.

  1 题完成句子;2、3 题简略回答问题;4 题找出并写下第二条建议的主题句;5 题将文中画线句子译成汉语。

 1.A wandering mind isn"t always bad and sometimes it can result in


 2.What can you do when you lose interest in what you"re doing?

  3.What should you do if there"s anything keeping your mind wandering?



  三、书面表达 请仔细观察图片,并根据所给提示和要求写一篇短文。

 提示:(1) What are the boys doing? (2) What should you do when you see someone hurt others on purpose? Why?

 要求:(1)短文应包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥; (2)短文中不要出现真实的人名、地名和校名; (3)词数 80 词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。

 I can see two boys in the picture.

 参考答案 题型组合练 6 一、阅读理解 1—3 DDA 4—7 DBCA 二、任务型阅读 1.a new creation 2.Take a break from it. 3.Allow myself/ourselves a specific time to worry, think or plan. 4.Do one task at a time.


 三、书面表达 One possible version: I can see two boys in the picture. They are playing football, but the boy in No.2 sports shirt kicks the football to the other boy and makes him fall down. Instead of saying sorry and pulling the other boy up, the boy laughs at him.

 When I see someone hurt others on purpose, I"m supposed to stop him and help him to understand the value of being good to people, because everyone could get hurt if the one who does bad things isn"t stopped. As students, we should be friendly to each other and work together to fight against bad actions. Remember school is our second home and it"s everyone"s duty to make it safe and peaceful.

相关热词搜索: 组合 河北 英语


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