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 The Third Period

 Language study Teaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 support, a new variety of rice, carry out experiments

 b. 重点句子 a. Rice is grown in many other Asian countries.

 b. Researchers were brought in from all over China. c. In Pakistan

 rice will be grown in many parts of the country. d. The new hybrid rice has been developed by the Yuan Longping High-tech Agricultural Company of China. e. He thought he could produce more rice by crossing different species of plant. f. You can get a good job by studying hard. 2. Ability goals 能力目标 Revision of passive voice, using “by+ -ing” freely and talking about numbers. 3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Let Ss learn how to use passive voice and “by+ -ing” Teaching important points 教学重点 a. The usage of passive voice, using “by+ -ing”

 b. Pay attention to the different tenses of passive voice. Teaching difficult points 教学难点 a. How to teach the Ss to master the usage of passive voice, using “by+ -ing” b. Change a complex sentence into a simple sentence, using “by+ -ing” Teaching methods 教学方法 a. Teach grammar in real situations; b. Learn grammar through practice. Teaching aids 教具准备 A projector, a blackboard. Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式

 Step I Revision

 Check Ss’ homework.

 First ask several students to retell the text. T: What do you learn from Professor Yuan? S1: Science plays an important role in the development of both industry and agriculture. S2: We must study hard and establish the correct outlook on life: work hard in order that our country may be richer, stronger and more prosperous.

 S3: We must be more confident, have the desire to learn and form good learning habits.

  T: That’s great! I hope all of you can work hard to turn your dreams into reality.

 Step II Grammar 1 T: This class we are going to review passive voice and learn to use “by+ -ing form”. First I’d like

 you to turn to

 Page 33 and read the sentences in the first part on this page and then answer the questions after them. S1: Sentence a is in the present simple passive voice. S2: Sentence b and c are in the past simple passive voice. S3: Sentence d refers to the future.

 S4: Sentence e is in the present perfect. S5: Sentences c and e are easy to transform into active voice. That’s because they both contain “by + n.” which can be used as subjects of the active voice sentences. T: Quite right. How many kinds of voice are there altogether? What are they? S6: Only two — passive voice and active voice. The basic structure of the former is be + done. And the tense of the passive voice is mainly decided on the form of “be”. T: Very good explanation. I think passive voice is quite easy for you, Yes or no? Ss: Yes! T: Ok. In this case, eight minutes for you to complete the following parts. You can talk with you partners if necessary; You can also make a mark wherever you have any difficulty or doubt. We’ll have a discussion later.

 Leave enough time for the Ss to do the exercise, then check the answers all by themselves , talking about the important ones if necessary.

 Step III Grammar 2 The Ss will learn the usage of “by+ -ing” with the help of Part 1 on Page 35. Then ask them to do Part 2. At last get them to summarize the rues of Direct Speech and Indirect Speech (statements and questions). Guide them to get conclusions from practice. T: Turn to Page 35, look at Part 1 and then decide which one you will choose. Ss:No. 3. T: You are quite right. Here “by crossing different species of plant” is used as adverbial of manner. Now please look through Part 2 quickly, and I’ll ask you to rewrite the sentences, by changing the underlined phrases with a phrase beginning with “by + -ing”. Two minutes for you. Ss: 1. Yuan Longping changed agriculture in China by discovering a new type of rice. 2. Researchers learn things by carrying out experiments. 3. They built a better engine by changing the design. 4. You will become a better pianist by practicing often. 5. We can be happy in the present by planning for the future.

  Step IV Practising For Part 3 on Page 85, get the Ss to match the two parts of sentences according to the context of each sentence.

 Ask the Ss to translate them into Chinese. For Ex 2, ask the Ss to do it by themselves, and then check the answers by asking some Ss to read aloud their answers. Different opinions are welcome.

 T: Please turn to Page 85. Let’s do some exercise of “by +ing”. First, match the two parts of sentences according to the context of each sentence.

 Two minutes later, almost all the students have finished.

  T: OK, let’s check the answers by asking some Ss to read aloud their answers.

 Suggested answers: 1. b 2. e





 Step V Talking about numbers Enable the students to read all kinds of numbers correctly. T: Let’s come to FUNCTION in this module: talk about numbers. We use numbers now and then in our daily life, so you must know how to read them correctly. Look at Part 1 in this section on Page 35. Let’s see if you can choose the correct answers. Suggested answers: a, b, a, a T: Read Part 2 loudly to your partners and correct the mistakes, if there are any. Suggested answers: 1.

 five thousand;

 2. one point five percent; 3. two hundred and fifty thousand;

 4. two thirds. Attention: when the words like hundred, thousand, million, billion, dozen, score, etc. are used together with exact numbers, they must be in single form. T: Please turn to Page 89. First practising reading and then I’ll ask some of you read them out to see if you can do it correctly. Suggested answers: nineteen eighty six; two thousand and four; two hundred and fifty thousand dollars; nineteen seventy three; twenty percent; sixty million; nineteen seventy five; nineteen ninety one; fifty percent; twenty million; two hundred and forty million Step VI Summing up T: Now please find out what we have talked about this period. You can give each an example; Or summarize the rules of them separately. Ask the Ss to write down what they have got and then present it. S1: In this part, we have reviewed the usage of passive voice that comes from the active voice. The object of the latter one is changed into the subject of the former one. This pattern can be used when the doer is unimportant or unknown. S2: “By + -ing” can be used as adverbial of manner. e.g. She makes a living by begging.

 S3: We also talked about numbers. Different kinds of numbers should be used in different ways.

 Step VII Homework Translate the following sentences: 1. 英语在全世界被广泛使用。

 2. 那家商店昨天被盗了。

 3. 在此处将建更多的工厂。

 4. 好多良田已经被占用。

 5. 只有通过长期的努力,你才会实现自己的目标。

 6. 我们可以通过每日的练习来提高口语。

相关热词搜索: 必修 教案 高中英语



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