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女孩英文自我介绍 篇1

  My name is Wang Huilin, 7 years old this year, read the third grade in Chunmiao primary school.

  I have an oval face, curved eyebrows, a pair of big eyes. I see people praise me looks like a doll, because my eyelash is very long.

  I love dancing. Others have asked me to dance at home playing so hard, but I feel good, or learn something better. And I did not feel hard. Although I was only 7 years old, I can dance for 4 years, whether it is a cold winter or hot summer. I never drop a class, in this summer, I was successful after dancing 5 exams, I really very happy. Then I have to work harder, to participate in the national dance competition, get better results.

  I am a cheerful and lively girl, whether in school or play outside, I will take the initiative to greet the teacher and classmates, the yard grandparents often praised me is a sensible boy.

  I especially love to help people, remember that time in the yard to play, a little brother suddenly can not find her mother, crying in it, I hastened to comfort him, and accompanied him to play, until the little brother's mother before I leave.

  This is me, I believe that you are no longer strangers!

女孩英文自我介绍 篇2

  My name, nickname Liu Ruohan, Bibi. 7 years old this year, my personality is clever, lively, very serious work. But there is a big disadvantage, is very headstrong in front of mom. I have a round face, high nose, a pair of watery eyes, dark and bright; one can say that can mouth, a pair of big ears, big people say that I am very lucky.

  In school, I was a studious girl. Listen attentively in class, carefully to complete the teacher assignments. The insufficient place is the class not active to speak and do the math to make careless mistakes.

  At home, I was a little girl. I can learn a lot of housework, such as cooking, washing dishes, mopping the floor, folding clothes and so on. I can help my mother do some housework, my mother often praised me is her intimate one.

  Outdoors, I is a civilized, polite pupil. Meet the elders, will take the initiative to say hello. Can take the initiative to the older elders and young children, pregnant women seat on the bus.

  I have a lot of advantages, there are many shortcomings. I have now is the third grade primary school students, must carry forward the advantages and correct the shortcomings, to become the "four good" youth!

女孩英文自我介绍 篇3

  My name is Liu Jiahan. The Mid Autumn Festival, the conservation of the culvert, mom and dad gave me this name is hope I become a broad-minded person. I learned from Dalian Middle School Primary School Department of the third grade. Don't look at me only 1 meters tall and 30, my hobby is particularly wide, love to sing and dance and play the piano I dance, also won gold medals and awards! In addition, I was a sports enthusiast, participated in many school games.

  Don't look at me so many hobbies, I am learning is unambiguous, examination results have never been 90 points. I came to the Youth Leadership School is eloquence to exercise yourself courage, enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of mine. By this stage of intensive training, let oneself become a dare to express, be good at the expression of the good boy. I know that as long as we can do. Please remember me, a lovely girl, my name is Liu Jiahan, everybody, and be my friend!

相关热词搜索: 英文 自我介绍 女孩 女孩英文自我介绍3篇 女孩英文自我介绍 女孩英文自我介绍自己



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