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培训讲师的自我评价 篇1




  1、员工必修类: 企业文化培训、职业道德规范、管理制度;




















  1、 作好培训基础工作






培训讲师的自我评价 篇2

  8个月保险公司专职讲师经验,任职期间辅导代理人资格考试通过率95%以上,且将团队由13人发展至60人。对于培训具有丰富的经验,团队协调、与人沟通能力强。 热爱教育事业,虽然毕业后身在异地没有真正从事过学校在编教育工作,但是所从事的也是教育类工作,并且一直在向成为一名真正的人民教师而努力 写作、表达能力强,乐于与人沟通,富有团队精神。 英语阅读、翻译能力强;普通话流利标准。 熟悉中外历史文化。

培训讲师的自我评价 篇3

  I am a perfectionist with an obsessive pursuit of ideals, but I am more concerned with the pursuit of the ideal than the final result of the hard process. I think gold is always shining. A person, no matter what his current situation, his realm of life can not be completely limited, of course, a person's current talent can not fully determine his future all social contribution. A person's life should be a work hard, and constantly exceeded and breakthrough process!

  I am passionate, generous, fluent in English, and pure mathematics and applied mathematics through basic professional skills. In the past three years, I have learned a wide range of modern mathematics courses related to differential geometry, partial differential equations, and topology, with great interest in specialized courses. In the aspect of thinking and cognition, I have carefully studied the basic contents and history of philosophy, science and technology, aesthetics, etc., and have a deep and profound reverence for the wisdom of the sages.

  As for my future work, I have a strong ability to work in teams, can withstand stress, and like challenging and creative issues. In particular, in the work I can Chikunailao, humbly communicate with others, continue to learn to forge ahead.

培训讲师的自我评价 篇4

  Existing problems and shortcomings

  1, less training assessment, resulting in training, "to participate and not to participate in a kind, learn a good kind of a negative situation, leading to training passive.

  2, the lack of innovation in the form of training. Just blindly using the "above, below listening" in the form of dull, boring, can not raise the interest of students, leading to inattention, affecting the training effect.

  3, principle is not strong. Can not strictly enforce the training discipline and the relevant provisions of the violators, one eye closed one eye, can not act according to regulations, which is the result of training discipline relaxed, the main reason for chaos.

  4, the training done in the year we are not difficult to find, some staff feel that training is too frequent, the other part of the staff response is not the appropriate training, which is an unavoidable problem, as committed to the learning organization of the enterprise, The first training task is to make the whole staff to establish awareness of training for enterprise development and self-development charge. While the training level is not balanced, it is necessary to greatly improve in 20xx.

  5, internal lecturers teaching skills are generally not high, to be improved, the level of production of courseware, lack of independent research and development curriculum, so the need to improve, to further standardize internal instructor management, internal lecturers to enhance the teaching level, the implementation of internal lecturer certification, the real To create a qualified qualified in-house training team.

  (1) Favorable conditions

  1, the company after the restructuring, restructuring of enterprises, institutions, staff to adjust, the restructuring of the overall quality of employees and work skills, and corporate culture to rebuild, must be the next phase of the focus of the task of training will Increase, good training effectiveness and quality will be more and more attention of the company leaders.

  2, with the mqms system "training management procedures for the document," the release of the company's education and training system is initially established, the training system with the guidance and restraint will be greatly conducive to the future work started.

培训讲师的自我评价 篇5

  I think that life is a continuous improvement of their thinking, morality, professional skills and quality of life process. I am a perfectionist with an obsessive pursuit of ideals, but I am more concerned with the pursuit of the ideal than the final result of the hard process. I think gold is always shining. A person, no matter what his current situation, his realm of life can not be completely limited. Of course, a person's current talent can not fully determine his future all the social contribution. A person's life should be a work hard, and constantly exceeded and breakthrough process!

  I am passionate, generous, fluent in English, and pure mathematics and applied mathematics through basic professional skills. In the past three years, I have learned a wide range of modern mathematics courses related to differential geometry, partial differential equations, and topology, with great interest in specialized courses. In the aspect of thinking and cognition, I have carefully studied the basic contents and history of philosophy, science and technology, aesthetics, etc., and have a deep and profound reverence for the wisdom of the sages.

  As for my future work, I have a strong ability to work in teams, can withstand stress, and like challenging and creative issues. In particular, in the work I can Chikunailao, humbly communicate with others, continue to learn to forge ahead.

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