外企面试自我介绍3分钟 一个营销经理外企面试时自我介绍

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Hello, everyone! In handed him my resume at the same time, allow me to do a simple self-introduction. I come from XXX University marketing professional XXX. I like to read books and newspapers, because it has enriched my knowledge; I like running, because it can sharpen my will, I am in the end is what kind of people? I am a lively and cheerful, enthusiastic, persistent, have a strong will of the people. Given today’s competitive selection is the marketing manager of a post, I would like to talk about their own understanding of marketing. Marketing is not equivalent to marketing, but marketing is an important part of marketing. To do a good job marketing efforts, we must first do a good job self-promotion. Let a stranger there is a certain confidence in their difficulty, but only customers believe that we can only trust their own products in order to better product to market. I would like to, "man, work, do business" is probably the mean bar!

I personally think that as a co-marketing manager, in addition should have a certain degree of marketing knowledge, but also have good communication and coordination ability to hard-working, has a good team spirit and attention to professional ethics. As a squad leader to me that in three years time, a variety of activities organized by class. Through the organization of these activities to improve their organization and coordination capacity, and strengthened sense of teamwork. I also fully recognize that individual’s ability, after all, is very limited, only through teamwork, brainstorming, learn from each other in order to better complete the work. If this I had the privilege Competition for the marketing manager, I would like to create a platform for their own colleagues in a relaxed atmosphere but precise style of work, you cooperate with each other, with good team spirit.

At the same time I think, marketing is also a service. Since it is a service that everyone should be satisfied with the enthusiasm and sincerity to do. Passion, an indispensable element of the work is to promote our work, innovation and threw himself into the incentive to work. Passion coupled with the challenges of self-awareness, I believe I can qualified for the job.

"Honesty is the basis for cooperation is our common goal of a win-win!" I am willing to work with XX with the development of culture and together create a glorious history! Thank you!

相关热词搜索: 自我介绍 外企 面试时 一个营销经理外企面试时自我介绍

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