有关教育的英语口语对话 [有关教育问题英语口语对话]

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  ELIZA: I heard you were teaching English over there.

  Tell me about it. Did you like it?

  SUE: Oh, yes, it was very interesting.

  ELIZA: What were the schools like?

  SUE: Oh, I didn’t actually teach in the schools.

  I taught after school. I taught in English institutes.

  ELIZA: But you taught children, yes?

  SUE: Yes. That’s right.

  But children in Taiwan are very different from children in America.

  At least as far as studying is concerned.

  Many children in Taiwan go to special institutes after school

  ELIZA: They actually study after school?来源:

  SUE: That’s right.

  After their school day is over, they go to a special institute to study math or English.

  They are very serious about learning over there.

  ELIZA: Hmm. That sounds pretty oppressive for the kids. Don’t they ever relax?

  SUE: Of course they do.

  You know, Eliza, before I went over there I thought the same thing.

  I thought that maybe kids in Taiwan study too much.

  But now that I’ve worked there, and taught them, I feel it is a good thing.

  Their parents are very concerned about their education. More than American parents are.

  And that is good. American kids don’t study enough.

  ELIZA: Asian cultures value learning very much. I know that.

  SUE: So it was interesting for me to see parents very concerned about education.

  They would come to me after the class and ask how their son or daughter was doing.

  I don’t think that’s a bad thing. I think it’s a good thing.

  In America, too many parents don’t pay attention.

  ELIZA: But aren’t the kids tired out?

  I mean, they go to school all day, and then they go to school in the evening too.

  SUE: As an English teacher, I tried to make the lessons as fun as possible.

  I tried to have a good time with my classes. The students often enjoyed it.

  And if the students enjoyed it, they learned more. So it was a good experience.

  ELIZA: Are the kids in Taiwan very obedient?

  SUE: That’s a stereotype we Americans have.

  We think that Asian kids are very obedient and quiet.

  But it’s not true. There are plenty of naughty kids too.

  ELIZA: Hmm. I know you taught in Costa Rica also.

  Which did you like better——Costa Rica or Taiwan?

  SUE: I don’t know. In Costa Rica, I taught adults.

  So it was a very different thing. So I really can’t compare.


  Husband: I found a great school for Junior!


  Wife: Don’t you think it’s a little early to be looking for schools? We haven’t even had the baby yet!


  Husband: We can’t be too cautious about these things.


  Wife: You are going to be such an adorable CS father! Tell me about this school.


  Husband: There is a huge slide on the playground and lots of trees and even a little brook!


  Wife: What about inside the school?


  Husband: There is a library right inside the front door.


  Wife: I think our child is going to love it!



  Husband: What do you think about half day kindergarten for Stacey?


  Wife: We could try it for the first few weeks and see if she likes it.


  Husband: I just think it will be a little difficult for her to be away from home for so long right off the bat.


  Wife: You have a good point. She hasn’t really ever been away from home for longer than a few hours.


  Husband: I think she is really going to like her teacher though.


  Wife: Yes, they seemed to click at the meeting the other day.


  Husband: Did you happen to notice if she was interested in . any of the other kids?


  Wife: No, but I did notice that she was very interested in the art supplies!


相关热词搜索: 英语口语 对话 教育 有关教育问题英语口语对话

【有关教育的英语口语对话 [有关教育问题英语口语对话] 】相关推荐


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