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  导语:合同是当事人或当事双方之间设立、变更、终止民事关系的协议。以下是小编整理 的资料,欢迎阅读参考。


  甲方: Party A:


  电话: Telephone:

  乙方:Party B:


  电话:Telephone No.:


  According to ATTORNEY LAW OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA, and other relevant laws and regulations of P.R.China, Party A and Party B mutually agree to the following terms:




  A.  The second instance, or appeal of the litigation between Party A and W company.


  B.  Other litigation, arbitration, appeals, enforcements and/or all proceedins relevant to the actions listed in Exhibit A until final judgment and enforcement of judgement, including collection of judgment amount is finalized.


  C.Within reason, the final decision regarding strategy of litigation and/or arbitration, as well as any and all facts of the litigation, are at the full discretion of Party A.  Pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, Party B shall follow the

  instructions of Party A unless these instructions violate the law in the People’s Republic of China.


  2. Payment of Fees

  2.1代理费用。乙方根据本协议完成全部代理工作的`代理费用由如下两部分组成: 固定费用:人民币15万元整(含税),作为乙方律师工作成本费用。在本协议签订后5日内一次性电汇至乙方指定帐户;乙方出具发票。另行提成费用:乙方将根据本协议从本案最终执行回来的全部净收益中提取40%。净收益的含义如下:来自本案的全部金额,减去已经支付的案件费用。甲方扣除费用指的是从法院执行回款中扣除本案一审和二审的诉讼费以及法院执行费。


  2.1 Party B’s fees for all services under this Agreement shall be paid in two separate installments:

  A. Fixed fee: RMB 150,000(before tax) to be paid in one installment within 5 days of the signing of this Agreement by wire as designated by Party B and upon receipt from Party B; The fixed fee is the work cost of attorney for fulfilling the commitment.

  B. Party B shall be paid 40% of all Net Proceeds collected from enforcement of judgments resulting from cases under this Agreement.  Net Proceeds is defined as amount collected amount in case, less case filing fee of court’s first and second instances or arbitration.

  Where the collected Net Proceeds are less than the Paid Amounts, the parties shall apportion the Net Proceeds as follows: Each Party shall be paid the pro rata share of the collected amounts vs. the collected amounts.  Thus, if the claimed amount is $100 rmb, and the collected amount was $10 rmb, this represents 10% of the claimed amount. Thus Party B shall receive 40% of the collected amount, less 10% of the collected amount.

  2.4 支付方式Payment

  固定费用的支付方式: Payment of fixed fee:


  the fixed fee shall be paid within 5 business days after the signing of this agreement. 提成费用支付方式:Payment of royalty:


  royalty fee shall be paid within 7 business  days of receipt of funds by Party A’s.

  2.5 乙方收款帐户 Bank account of Party B

  收款单位:Name of Account:

  开户银行:Bank of Account:

  帐号:Account No.

  三、甲方权利和义务 Rights and obligations of Party A


  3.1 Party A, may, at its discretion, terminate this Agreement, or any portion thereof for reasons of impracticality, company wind down, or irreconcilable differences with Party B, upon 5 business days written notice to Party B; but don’t require Party B to hand back the payment  paid to Party B .


  3.2 While Party A is executing his right of termination, if a special commitment is in enforcement stage and there are plenty evidences to indicate that the judgment or

  the arbitration award of the case will be successfully executed, Party A can not terminate this special commitment without Party B’s written consent.

  3.3 甲方将全力在尽早的时间内向乙方提供案件文件。

  3.3 Party A shall use all reasonable efforts to provide Pary B with the case files at the earliest practicable time;

  3.4 为了使乙方按照本协议履行职责,甲方将全力提供乙方所要求的文件和其他支持性文件,并指定专人作为甲方与乙方的联系人,给予相应的联系方式。

  3.4 Party A shall make every reasonable effort to provide Party B with requested documentation or other support documents in order for Party B to discharge its duties under this Agreement; A person specially will be assigned by Party A for the linkman with Party B, and give party B relevant contact manner.

  四、乙方权利 Rights of Party B

  4.1 乙方有按照法律和合同的约定独立完成约定工作的权利,不受甲方不适当的干预。

  4.1 Party B is entitled to perform the stipulated work according to laws and regulations as well as this Agreement without undue interference from Party A;.

  4.2 乙方在按约定完成工作后,有获得约定费用的权利。

  4.2 Party B has the right to be paid after he finishes stipulated work.

  4.3 乙方如发现以下情况,可及时书面通知甲方,提出解决办法,直至终止本协议:




  4.3  If Party B find the following facts, should notice in written to  Party A and put forward settle means, until terminate this Agreement:

  甲方(签章):_________  乙方(签章):__________________年____月____日  _________年____月____日

相关热词搜索: 英文 合同范本 代理 代理英文合同范本



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