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 高中英语作文-- 读后续写句子翻译 57 1. 爱德华的梦想是成为一名律师。

 2. 由于他的成绩不是很高,他无法获得他想学习的课程。

 3. 相反,他加入了学士学位课程,成功地完成了课程,并在一家公司找到了一份工作

 4. 虽然他的生活没有发生任何戏剧性的变化,但他的父亲继续在他的服装店工作,这样他就不必依赖爱德华了。

 5. 在找到了一份永久的工作后,爱德华的父母想让他结婚。

 6. 他娶了一个来自家乡的女孩,同时也得到了晋升。

 7. 几年后,他的妻子生下了一个漂亮的双胞胎男孩。

 8. 后来,爱德华开始挣到丰厚的薪水,并开始过着奢侈的生活。

 9. 他买了一所新房子和一辆新车。

 10. 有些奢侈品真的没有必要。

 11. 。


 12. 在经历了近 6 到 到 7 年的奢华生活后,爱德华遭受了金融危机。

 13. 他无力支付孩子们的教育和其他基本的生活必需品。

 14. 他的父亲生病了,结果不能在服装店继续工作。

 15. 他要求爱德华为他的治疗和其他家庭费用提供一些钱。

 16. 爱德华摇了摇头。

 17. 他解释说,这些年来他一直过着奢侈的生活方式,并购买不必要的商品。

 18. 结果,他甚至负担不起自己的家庭开支。

 19. 因此,他拒绝为他父亲的医疗服务提供资金。

 20. 爱德华继续抱怨说,当他在生活中面临 困难时,他的父母无法依赖。

 21. 他的父母对爱德华说的话感到震惊。

 22. 就在这时,他的儿子们走到爱德华身边。

 23. 这两个双胞胎男孩笑着说,他们想找个工作,帮助爱德华克服金融危机。

 24. 他的儿子们还说,他们想支付他们祖父的部分医疗费用。

 25. 爱德华听到儿子们说的话后,感到非常感动。

 26. 他回忆起在他年轻的时候,他的父母是如何抚养他的。

 27. 爱德华意识到他的父母为他做了很多,最终决定为他父亲的钱提供治疗。

 28. 我妈妈总是告诉我,聪明比漂亮好。

 29. 如果你很聪明,最终你就会负担得起很漂亮了。

 30. 我所需要的只是大脑,有一天,我会成为一个非常漂亮的律师。

  1. Edward’s dream was to become a lawyer. 2. Since his marks weren’t very high,he could not get the desired course that he wanted to study. 3. Instead,he joined a bachelor’s degree course,completed the course successfully,and got a job in a company. 4. While his life was going on with no dramatic change,his father

 continued to work in his clothes shop,so that he did not have to depend on Edward. 5. After getting a permanent job,Edward’s parents wanted him to marry. 6. He got married to a girl from his native town,and at the same time was also promoted in his job. 7. After a few years,his wife gave birth to beautiful twin boys. 8. Later Edward began to earn a handsome salary,and started to live luxuriously. 9. He bought a new house and a new car. 10. Some of the luxuries were really unnecessary. 11. Although his company provided him with a car,Edward went and purchased a new car. 12. After a luxurious lifestyle that spanned for almost 6 to 7 years,Edward was suffering from financial crisis.

 13. He was not able to pay for the children’s education and other basic necessities. 14. His father fell sick,and as a result,could not continue his work in the clothes shop. 15. He requested Edward to provide some money for his treatment and other household expenses. 16. Edward shook his head. 17. He explained that he had been leading in a luxurious lifestyle and purchasing unnecessary goods these years. 18. As a result,he could not even afford to pay for his own household expenses. 19. Therefore,he refused to provide money for his father’s medical

 treatment. 20. Edward then continued to complain that his parents could not be depended on when he faced difficulties in his life. 21. His parents were shocked about what Edward said. 22. Just at this moment,his sons walked to Edward. 23. The twin boys smiled and said that they would like to get jobs and help Edward overcome the financial crisis. 24. His sons also said that they wanted to pay for part of their grandfather’s medical treatment. 25. Edward was deeply moved after he heard what his sons had said. 26. He recalled how his parents raised him when he was young. 27. Edward realised that his parents had done a lot for him,and finally decided to provide money for his father’s treatment. 28. My mother always told me it was better to be smart than to be beautiful. 29. If you are smart,finally you will afford to be beautiful. 30. All I needed were the brains,and someday,I would be a really beautiful lawyer.

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