2020-2021学年外研版七年级英语下册Module,8,Story,time,Unit,1 Once,upon,a,time…,,课时练习

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 Unit 1 Once upon a time„

 Ⅰ.根据句意及汉语提示写出单词 1.Yesterday, Liu Ying and I

  (决定) to go for a ride in the forest.

 2.Mary walked in the garden and

  (采;摘) some flowers.

 3.I didn’t

  (注意到) the words on the blackboard.

 4.The man

  (进入) the house in a hurry just now.

 5.The little girl

  (推) the door and came into the room.

 Ⅱ.用方框中所给的单词或短语填空 finish, hungry, towards, go for a walk, pick up 6.I got off the bus and walked

  my parents.

 7.I sometimes feel

  between meals, so I eat an apple or a pear.

 8.It’s difficult for me to

  the homework in such a short time.


  the waste paper.

 10.My parents usually

  after supper.

 Ⅲ.根据本单元对话内容回答下列问题 11.Who did Goldilocks go into the forest with?

  12.Did Goldilocks often go for a walk alone?

  13.What did Goldilocks pick in the forest?

  14.Why didn’t Goldilocks like the very big bowl?

  15.Which bowl did Goldilocks choose at last?

 Ⅳ.单项选择 (

 )16.Lingling knocked

  the door,

  nobody answered.

 A.on; and B.on; but C.at; and D.to; but


 )17.She was very

  , so she hurried to a restaurant.

 A.thirsty B.exciting C.hungry D.happy (

 )18.—Look! What’s on the ground? —Oh, it’s my sweater. Please

  for me.

 A.pick up it B.pick it up C.pick it out D.pick out it (

 )19.The window

  all night yesterday.

 A.is open B.was open

  C.was opened D.is opened (

 )20.My grandmother

  yesterday, because she didn’t know the way in the city.

 A.lost B.lose

 C.was lost D.was lose Ⅴ.根据汉语意思完成句子 21.从前,村子里住着一位老太太。

 , there lived an old woman in the village.


 It’s very easy for me to

  in a new place.

 23. 刘丽经常独自一人听音乐。

 Liu Li often listens to music




  and noticed a little house.


 After dinner, my family always

  in the park.


 A: Hi, Wen Hong. What happened to you? You look tired. B: I went to bed too late last night. A: 26.

  B: I read an interesting book.

 A: 27.

  B: Hans Christian Andersen. A: 28.

  He was a famous writer in Denmark.

 B: You’re right. 29.

  A: Which one do you like best? B: The Ugly Duckling(《丑小鸭》). 30.

  A: The Red Shoes is my favourite. A.Who wrote it? B.Oh, I see. C.He wrote a lot of fairy tales during his lifetime. D.And he wrote the famous story Snow White. E. What about you? F. What did you do?

 答案详解详析 Ⅰ.1.decided 2.picked 3.notice 4.entered 5.pushed Ⅱ.6.towards 7.hungry 8.finish 9.pick up 10.go for a walk Ⅲ.11.Nobody. 12.No, she didn’t. 13.Some flowers. 14.Because it was very hot. 15.The little bowl. Ⅳ.16.B 17.C 18.B pick up是动副词组,意为“捡起;拾起”,后跟代词作宾语时,代词要放在pick与up之间。

 19.B 20.C be lost 是固定搭配,意为“迷路”。

 Ⅴ.21.Once upon a time 22.be/get lost

 23.all alone 24.looked around

 25.go for a walk Ⅵ.26—30 FACDE

相关热词搜索: 英语 课时 下册

【2020-2021学年外研版七年级英语下册Module,8,Story,time,Unit,1 Once,upon,a,time…,,课时练习】相关推荐


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