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  第 25 组 crown [kraun]

  基本释义  n. 王冠,王权,顶点 vt. 使成王,加冕,居…之顶

 词形变化  复 数:co·ro·nas or co·ro·nae 常用短语 

 1. crown daisy

 筒篙 2. crown glass

 n.冕牌玻璃(光学玻璃的一种) 3. crown lens

 n.用冕牌玻璃做的透镜 4. crown saw

 筒形锯 5. jacket crown

 甲冠 6. optical crown

 光学冕玻璃 7. crown colony

 n. -nies 英国直辖殖民地 8. crown fire

 树冠火 9. crown gall


 10. crown jewels

 n. (镶有珠宝代表王权的)王冠, 权杖 11. crown land

 王室领地, 公有土地 12. crown prince

 n. 皇太子, 皇储 13. crown princess

 n. 皇太子之妃, 将继承王位的公主 14. half crown

 n. 半克朗(英国银币名值二先令六便士) 15. optical crown glass

 冕光学玻璃(指低色散光学玻璃) 16. triple crown

 n. (罗马教宗的)三重冠 n.(比赛、获奖等)三次冠军,三次获奖 参考例句 

 1. The bishop invested the king with the crown.


 2. The crown was richly bejeweled.


 3. To put a crown or garland on the head of.

 加冕在…的头上戴上王冠或花冠 4. A crown worn as a sign of royalty.

 王冠做为王权象征的王冠 5. Kings and queens wear crowns at official ceremonies.




  11 个名词解释 1. the Crown (or the reigning monarch) as the symbol of the power and authority of a monarchy [例]  the colonies revolted against the Crown 2. the part of a tooth above the gum that is covered with enamel 3. a wreath or garland worn on the head to signify victory 4. an ornamental jewelled headdress signifying sovereignty [同] crown, diadem 5. the part of a hat (the vertex) that covers the crown of the head 6. an English coin worth 5 shillings 7. the upper branches and leaves of a tree [同] crown, capitulum, treetop 8. the top point of a mountain or hill [同] crest, crown, peak, summit, tip, top [例]  the view from the peak was magnificent  they clambered to the summit of Monadnock 9. the award given to the champion [同] crown, pennant 10. the top of the head [同] crown, pate, poll 11. the center of a cambered road [同] crest, crown

  4 个动词解释 12. invest with regal power; enthrone [同] coronate, crown [例]

  The prince was crowned in Westminster Abbey 13. be the culminating event [同] crown, top [例]  The speech crowned the meeting 14. form the topmost part of [例]  A weather vane crowns the building 15. put an enamel cover on [例]  crown my teeth

相关热词搜索: 牛津 英语 下册


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