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时间:2001年1月18日 地点:白宫 我来说两句

同胞们,今晚是我作为你们的总统,在白宫总统办公室向你们做最后一次演 说。

我深深地感谢你们给了我两次机会和荣誉, 为你们服务和工作,并同你们一


在此,我要感谢戈尔副总统,我的内阁部长们以及所有和我一同走过过去 8


这是一个极具变革的年代,你们为新的挑战做好了准备。是你们使我们的社 会更强大,我们的家庭更健康和安全,我们的人民更富裕。


作为总统,我所做的每一个决定,每一个行政命令,提议和签署的每一项法 令,都在努力为美国人民提供工具和创造条件, 去实现美国人民梦想的未来---- 一个美好的社会,繁荣的经济,活洁的环境,一个更自由、更安全、更繁荣的世 界。

凭借着我们永恒的价值,我不断前进。机会届于所有的美国公民;责任源自 全体美国人民;所有美国人民组成了一个大家庭。

 我一直在为寻求一个更小、更 现代化、更有效率、面对新时代的挑战充满创意和思想、 永远把人民的利益放在 第一位、永远面向未来的新型的美国政府而努力。

我们一同工作,使美国变得更加美好。我们的经济正在打破一个乂一个的记 录。我们已创造了 2200万个新的工作岗位,现在的失业率是30年来最低的,购 房率达到一个空前的高度,经济增长的持续时间是历史上最长的。

我们的家庭、我们的社会变得更加强大。3500万美国人曾经享受联邦休假, 800万人获得社会保障,犯罪率是25年来最低的,1000多万美国 人享受更多的 大学贷款,更多的人接受大学教育。我们的学校也在改善。更高的办学水平、更 大的责任感和更多的投资使得我们的学生取得更好的考试和毕业成绩。

目前,已有300多万美国儿童在享受着医疗保险,700多万美国人已经脱离 了贫困线。人们的收入在大幅度提高。我国的空气和水源更洁净,食品和饮用水 更安全。宝贵的土地资源得到了近白年来前所未有的保护。

美国已成为世界上每个地方促进和平和繁荣的积极力量。 此时,我非常高兴


今晚,我希望能把三个关于我们的未来构想留给你们: 第一,美国必须保持 良好的财政状况。经过4个财政年度的努力,我们已经破纪录的把财政赤字变为 盈余。并且,我们已偿还了 6000亿美元的国债,正向着10年内彻底偿还国债的 目标迈进,这是1835年以来的第一次。

只要这样做,才能给我们带来更低的利率、更大的经济繁荣,才能迎接未来 更大的挑战。如果我们做出明智的选择,我们就能偿还债务,解决生育高峰期出 生的一大批人的退休问题,对未来进行更多的投资,并减轻税收。

第二,由于世界各国的联系日益紧密。为了美国的安全与繁荣,我们应继续 融入世界。在这个特殊的历史时刻,更多的美国人民享有前所未有的自由。

 我 们 的盟国比过去更加强大。全世界人民期望美国成为和平与繁荣、 自由与安全的力 量。全球经济给予美国人民以及全世界人民更多的机会去工作、 生活,更好地养 活家庭。

但是,促进世界一体化,一方面为我们创造了良好的机会, 同时也使我们在 全球范围内更易遭致破坏性力量、恐怖主义、有组织的犯罪、贩蠹活动,以及致 命性武器和疾病传播的威胁。

尽管世界贸易不断扩大,但它没能缩小处于全球经济前沿的我们与数十亿处 于生死边缘的人们之间的距离。

要解决世界贫富两极分化需要的不是同情,而是实际行动。贫穷有可能被我 们的漠不关心激化成为火药桶。


 但在我们这个时代, 美国不能,也不可能使自己脱离整个世界。如果我们想把我们共享的价值观赋予 这个世界,我们必须承担起这个责任。

如果20世纪的历次战争,尤其是最近在科索沃地区和波斯尼业爆发的战争, 能够让我们得到某种教训的话,我们从中得到的启示应是:由于捍卫了我们 的

价值观并领导了自由和和平的力量, 我们才达到了目标。我们必须坚定勇敢地信 奉这个信念和责任,在语言和行动上与我们的同盟者站在一起, 领导他们按这条 道 路前进;在全球经济中遵循以人为本,让不断发展的贸易使所有国家的所有 人受益,在全世界范围内提高人们的生活水平并实现他们的梦想。

第三,我们必须牢记如果我们不团结一致, 美国就不能领先世界。随着我们 变得多样化,我们必须更加努力地团结在共同价值观和共同人性的旗帜下。

我们必须努力工作,克服存在的种种分歧。于情于法,我们都要让我们的人 民受到公正的待遇,不论他是哪一个民族、信仰哪种宗教、什么性别或性倾向, 无论他们何时来到这个国家。我们都要时时刻刻为了实现先辈们建立的高度团结 的梦想而奋斗。

希拉里、切尔西和我同所有美国人民一道,向即将上任的布什总统、他的家 人及新政府致以衷心的祝福,希望新政府能够勇敢面对挑战,高举自由大旗在新 世纪阔步前进。

对我来说,当我离开总统宝座时,我充满了更多的理想,比初进白宫时更加 充满希望,并坚信美国的好日子还在后面。

我的总统任期就要结束了,但是我希望我为美国人民服务的日子永远不会结 束。在我未来的岁月里,我再也不会担任一个比美利坚合众国总统更高的职位、 签订一个比美利坚合众国总统所能签署的更为神圣的条约。 当然,没有任何一个



My fellow citizens, tonight is my last opportunity to speak to you from the Oval Office as your president.

I amprofoundly grateful to you for twice giving methe honor to serve, to work for you and with you to prepare our nation for the 21st century.

And I"m grateful to Vice President Gore, to my Cabinet secretaries, and to all those who have served with me for the last eight years.

This has been a time of dramatic transformation, and you have risen to every new challenge. You have made our social fabric stronger, our families healthier and safer, our people more prosperous.

You, the American people, have made our passage into the global information age an era of great American renewal.

In all the work I have done as president, every decision I have made, every executive action I have taken, every bill I have proposed and signed, I"ve tried to give all Americans the tools and conditions to build the future of our dreams, in a good society, with a strong economy, a cleaner environment, and a freer, safer, more prosperous world.

I have steered my course by our enduring values. Opportunity for all. Responsibility from all. A community of all Americans. I have sought to give America a new kind of government, smaller, more modern, more effective, full of ideas and policies appropriate to this newtime, always putting people first, always focusing on the future.

Working together, America has done well. Our economy is breaking records, with more than 22 million new jobs, the lowest unemployment in 30 years, the highest home ownership ever, the longest expansion in


Our families and communities are stronger. Thirty-five million Americans have used the family leave law. Eight million have moved off welfare. Crime is at a 25-year low. Over 10 million Americans receive more college aid, and more people than ever are going to college. Our schools are better - higher standards, greater accountability and larger investments have brought higher test scores, and higher graduation rates.

More than three million children have health insurance now, and more than 7 million Americans have been lifted out of poverty. Incomes are rising across the board. Our air and water are cleaner. Our food and drinking water are safer. And more of our precious land has been preserved, in the continental United States, than at any time in 100 years.

America has been a force for peace and prosperity in every corner of the globe.

I"m very grateful to be able to turn over the reins of leadership to a new president, with America in such a strong position to meet the challenges of the future.

Tonight, I want to leave you with three thoughts about our future. First, America must maintain our record of fiscal responsibility. Through our last four budgets, we"ve turned record deficits to record surpluses, and we"ve been able to pay down $600 billion of our national debt, on track to be debt free by the end of the decade for the first time since 1835.

Staying on that course will bring lower interest rates, greater prosperity and the opportunity to meet our big challenges. If we choose wisely, we can pay down the debt, deal with the retirement of the baby boomers, invest more in our future and provide tax relief.

Second, because the world is more connected every day in every way, America"s security and prosperity require us to continue to lead in the world. At this remarkable momentin history, more people live in freedom that ever before. Our alliances are stronger than ever. People all around the world look to America to be a force for peace and prosperity, freedom and security. The global economy is giving more of our own people, and billions around the world, the chance to work and live and raise their families with dignity.

But the forces of integration that have created these good opportunities also make us more subject to global forces of destruction, to terrorism, organized crime and narco-trafficking, the spread of deadly weapons and disease, the degradation of the global environment.

The expansion of trade hasn"t fully closed the gap between those of us who live on the cutting edge of the global economy and the billions around the world who live on the knife"s edge of survival.

This global gap requires more than compassion. It requires action. Global poverty is a powder keg that could be ignited by our indifference.

In his first inaugural address, ThomasJefferson warned of entangling alliances. But in our times, America cannot and must not disentangle itself from the world. If we want the world to embody our shared values, then we must assume a shared responsibility.

If the wars of the 20th century, especially the recent ones in Kosovo and Bosnia, have taught us anything, it is that we achieve our aims by defending our values and leading the forces of freedom and peace. Wemust embrace boldly and resolutely that duty to lead, to stand with our allies in word and deed, and to put a human face on the global economy so that expanded trade benefits all people in all nations, lifting lives and hopes all across the world.

Third, we must remember that America cannot lead in the world unless here at homewe weavethe threads of our coat of manycolors into the fabric of one America. As we become ever more diverse, we must work harder to unite around our common values and our common humanity.

We must work harder to overcome our differences. In our hearts and in our laws, we must treat all our people with fairness and dignity, regardless of their race, religion, gender or sexual orientation and regardless of when they arrived in our sexual orientationcountry, always moving toward the more perfect union of our founders" dreams.

Hillary, Chelsea and I join all Americans in wishing our very best to the next president, George W. Bush, to his family and his administration in meeting these challenges and in leading freedom"s march in this new century.

As for me, I"ll leave the presidency more idealistic, more full of hope than the day I arrived and more confident than ever that America"s best days lie ahead.

My days in this office are nearly through, but my days of service, I hope, are not. In the years ahead, I will never hold a position higher or a covenant more sacred than that of president of the United States. But there is no title I will wear more proudly than that of citizen.

Thank you. God bless you, and God bless America.



八年来,我有幸担任你们的总统。新世纪的第一个十年是一段意义重大的时期 ——一个时间分界点。今晚,我怀着一颗感谢的心,请求一个最后的机会,就我 们一起走过的旅程以及国家的未来,与诸位分享一些想法。

五天后,世界将目睹美国民主的活力。按照我们立国时的传统,总统之位将传给 你们一一美国人民所选择的继任者。站在国 会山的台阶上的,将是一个其故事



 我和所有 美国人一起,向总统当选人奥巴马、他的妻子米歇 儿以及他们两个美丽的女儿


今晚,我满怀感激——感激副总统切尼以及行政成员们; 感谢劳拉,她给这个家

带来欢乐,给我的生活带来爱;感谢我们了 不起的女儿芭芭拉和詹娜;感谢我


 最重要的是,我感谢美国人民给 我的信任。我感谢你们的祈祷鼓舞了我的灵魂。我 感谢你们在过去八年让我目


今晚,我的思绪回到我站在这个地方向你们致辞的第一个晚上一一 2001年9月

11日。那天早上,恐怖分子夺走了近 3000性命,这是自珍珠港事件以来,美国 遭遇的最严重的袭击。我记得于三天后站在世贸中心的废墟中的情形, 周围是全


我记得我跟那些在五角大楼烟雾弥漫的走廊里工作的勇敢灵魂谈话, 跟那些登上

93号航班最终成为英雄的人们的妻子们谈话。我记得阿琳 ?霍华德(Arlene

HowarcO ,她把已经陨落的儿子的警察勋章给了我,提醒我我们失去了什么。我 仍然戴着他的徽章。

随着时间的流逝,大多数美国人可以回归911之前的生活,但我就不能。每天早 上,我都收到一份关于我国面临威胁的简报。我发誓要尽我所能保证我们的安全。


 我们的国家装备了新的工具去监控恐怖分子的活动, 冻结他们的金融,打破他们

的阴谋。而且在强大盟友的支持下,我们向恐怖分子以及那些支持他们的人们发 起了战斗。

阿富汗已经从塔利班窝藏基地组织、在大街上对妇女行石刑的国家变成一个年轻 的民主体,与恐怖主义斗争,鼓励女孩子去上学。伊拉克已经从一个残暴的独裁 国家和美国的死敌变成一个位于中东之心的阿拉伯民主体,变成美国的朋友。

很多这些决定引起合法性的争论,但其结果却是无须争论的。七年多里,美国领 土没有再遭遇乂一次恐怖袭击。这要归功于那些日夜辛勤工作保卫我们的安全的 人们一一执法人员,情报分析家,国土安全和外交人员,以及美国武装部队的男 女成员。

在危险时刻,公民自愿捍卫国家,这是我们国家之福。我珍惜与这些无私的爱国 者以及他们的家人的会晤。美国欠你们一份感激。致今晚所有在聆听的全体男女 军人:作为你们的三军总司令是至高无上的荣耀。

我们的部队发起的战斗届于更为广泛的、 两种根本不同的制度之间的斗争的一部 分。在其中一种制度下,一小撮狂热分子要 求全体服从一种压制性的意识形态, 迫使妇女卑屈,杀害不信仰者。而另一种制度则是基于这样的信念:自由是万能 的上帝赋予所有人的礼物,自由与正义照亮和平 之路。

这是我们的立国信仰。从长期来看,推广这种信仰是保护我们公民的唯一可行办 法。当人们生活在自由之中,他们就不会愿意选择追求恐怖主义运动的领袖。 当


因此,美国在全世界推广人的自由、人的权利以及人的尊严。我们支持异见人士 及年轻的民主体,提供爱滋病药物让濒临死亡的病人恢复生机, 不让疟疾伤害母 亲与婴儿。这个仅为自由而生的伟大共和国带领世界走向自由届于所有国家的新 时期。


 在全国,学生们正起来满足公立学 校提高了的标准。一种新的医疗处方药福利正为长者及残疾人带来内心的平静。


透过以信仰为基础的项目,上瘾者与受苦者找到了新希望。脆弱的生命得到更好 的保护。用于退伍军人的资金几乎翻了一番。美国的空气、水和陆地更加活洁。

而且联邦法官席上有了像法官阿利托(Sam Alito )和首席法官罗伯茨(John Roberts )这样睿智的新成员。

当我们的繁荣面临挑战,我们起来面对。面对金融崩溃的前景,我们采取了果断 措施保护我们的经济。努力工作的家庭面临 非常困难的时刻,但如果我们不采 取行动,损失会严重得多。所有美国人团结在一起,凭着决心以及努力的工作, 我们将让经济重上增长之路。我们将再一次向世界 展示美国自由企业体系的弹


和此前负责这个办公室所有人一样, 我曾经历挫折。如果还有机会,在一些事情 上我会改变做法。然而,我在做事的时候总是心怀我们国家的最佳利益。 我按照



未来十年,我们的国家将面临更多艰难的选择,一些指引性的原则可以指明我们 的方向。

尽管我们的国家比七年前安全,我们的民众所面临的最严重威胁仍然是再度发生 的恐怖袭击。我们的敌人很有耐心,决心再次袭击。美国没有寻求挑起冲突,也 不应该遭受这些冲突。但我们已经肩负庄严的责任,我们必须面对。我们必须抵 制自满。我们必须保持决心。我们绝不能放松警惕。

与此同时,我们必须继续怀着信心与明确的目标与世界接触。面对海外的威胁, 转向内部寻求安慰是很有诱惑力的。但是我们必须拒绝孤立主义及作为其同伴的 保护主义。在21世纪,国内的安全与繁荣有赖于自由在海外的扩大。如果美国 不带领自由事业,这项事业就得不到指引。

在我们解决这些挑战一一以及其他一些我们无法在今晚预测的挑战时, 美国必须 维持我们的道德明确性。我经常跟你们说善与恶。这令一些人感到不舒服。但善 恶存在于世上,两者之间不会有任何妥协。无论在何时何地,把杀害无辜者作为 推广意识形态的手段都是错误的做法。

让人们摆脱压迫和绝望是永远正确的。国家必须继续为正义和真理发言。我们必 须始终愿意行动起来捍卫它们,推进和平的事业。

杰斐逊总统曾写道,"我喜欢未来的梦想更甚于过去的历史。"在我离开这个他于 两个世纪前所在的地方时,我赞成他的这种乐观精神。美国是一个年轻的国家, 充满活力、不断成长和自我更新。甚至在最艰难的时刻,我们都会放眼前面广阔 的地平线。

我对美国的诺言有信心,因为我知道我们人民的特质。这是一个鼓励移民为自由 的梦想而冒险的国家。这是一个公民可以在危险的时刻表现平静, 在苦难面前展 示怜悯的国家。我们看到,我们周围就有美国特质的榜样。劳拉和我已经邀请当 中一些人今晚到白宫。

我们看到里卡斯钠博士( Dr. Tony Recasner )的美国特质,这位校长在卡特里 娜飓风的废墟中开办一所新的特许学校。我们看到麦地那( Julio Medina)身上 的美国特质,这位前囚犯带领一个以信仰为基础的项目, 帮助囚犯重回社会。我

们在上士麦达德(Staff Sergeant Aubrey McDade身上的美国特质,他负责伊 拉克的一次埋伏并拯救了三名同伴的海军陆战队队员。

我们在克里斯托夫(Bill Krissoff )这位来自加州的外科医生身上看到美国特 质。他的儿子内森(Nathan)是一位海军陆战队队员,在伊拉克献出了生命。当 我和克里斯托夫 及其家人会面时,他带来了一些令人吃惊的新闻:他告诉我, 他像加入海军医疗队以纪念他的儿子。 这位好人60岁了一一比年龄上限大了 18



 克里斯夫少校今晚不能出席,因为他很快就要部署到伊拉克,在那里,他将帮忙 拯救美国受伤的勇士,维护他已逝儿子的遗产。

从这些公民身上,我们看到了我们国家最美好的一面一一弹性与希望, 关怀与强 大。这些优点让我对美国怀着不可动摇的信念。我们曾面临危险与考验,前面还 会有更多危险与考验。但凭着人民的勇气,以及我们对理想的信心,这个伟大的 国家永不疲惫……永不动摇……永不失败。

担任你们的总统是我一生的荣幸。我们有过好日子也有过艰难日子。但每一天, 我都因我们国家的伟大而受到鼓舞,都因我们民众的善良感到振奋。能够代表我 们所爱的这个国家,这是我的福份。我将永远为一个比其他任何头衔更有意义的 身份而感到荣幸:美利坚合众国公民。

最后,我的美国同胞们:晚安。愿上帝保佑白宫和我们的下一任总统。愿上帝保 佑你们和我们了不起的国家。谢谢你们。

Fellow citizens: For eight years, it has been my honor to serve as your President. The first decade of this new century has been a period of consequence ? a time set apart. Tonight, with a thankful heart, I have asked for a final opportunity to share some thoughts on the journey that we have traveled together and the future of our Nation.

Five days from now, the world will witness the vitality of American democracy. In a tradition dating back to our founding, the presidency will pass to a successor chosen by you, the American people. Standing on the steps of the Capitol will be a man whose story reflects the enduring promise of our land. This is a moment of hope and pride for our whole Nation. And I join all Americans in offering best wishes to President-elect Obama, his wife Michelle, and their two beautiful girls.

Tonight I am filled with gratitude ? to Vice President Cheney and members of the Administration; to Laura, who brought joy to this house and love to my life; to our wonderful daughters, Barbara and Jenna; to my parents, whose examples have provided strength for a lifetime. And above all, I thank the American people for the trust you have given me. I thank you for the prayers that have lifted my spirits. And I thank you for the countless acts of courage, generosity, and grace that I have witnessed these past eight years.

This evening, my thoughts return to the first night I addressed you from this house ? September 11,2001. That morning, terrorists took nearly 3,000 lives in the worst attack on America since Pearl Harbor.

I remember standing in the rubble of the World Trade Center three days later, surrounded by rescuers who had been working around the clock.

I remember talking to brave souls who charged through smoke-filled corridors at the Pentagon and to husbands and wives whose loved ones became heroes aboard Flight 93. I remember Arlene Howard, who gave me her fallen son's police shield as a reminder of all that was lost.

And I still carry his badge.

As the years passed, most Americans were able to return to life much as it had been before Nine-Eleven. But I never did. Every morning, I received a briefing on the threats to our Nation. And I vowed to do everything in my power to keep us safe.

Over the past seven years, a new Department of Homeland Security has been created. The military, the intelligence community, and the FBI have been transformed. Our Nation is equipped with new tools to monitor the terrorists' movements, freeze their finances, and break up their plots. And with strong allies at our side, we have taken the fight to the terrorists and those who support them.

Afghanistan has gone from a nation where the Taliban harbored al Qaeda and stoned women in the streets to a young democracy that is fighting terror and encouraging girls to go to school. Iraq has gone from a brutal dictatorship and a sworn enemy of America to an Arab democracy at the heart of the Middle East and a friend of the United States.

There is legitimate debate about many of these decisions. But there can be little debate about the results. America has gone more than seven years without another terrorist attack on our soil. This is a tribute to those who toil night and day and night to keep us safe ? law enforcement officers, intelligence analysts, homeland security and diplomatic personnel, and the men and women of the United States Armed Forces.

Our Nation is blessed to have citizens who volunteer to defend us in this time of danger. I have cherished meeting these selfless patriots and their families. America owes you a debt of gratitude. And to all our men and women in uniform listening tonight: There has been no higher honor than serving as your Commander in Chief.

The battles waged by our troops are part of a broader struggle between two dramatically different systems. Under one, a small band of fanatics demands total obedience to an oppressive ideology, condemns women to subservience, and marks unbelievers for murder. The other system is based on the conviction that freedom is the universal gift of Almighty God and that liberty and justice light the path to peace.

This is the belief that gave birth to our Nation. And in the long run, advancing this belief is the only practical way to protect our citizens. When people live in freedom, they do not willingly choose leaders who pursue campaigns of terror. When people have hope in the future, they will not cede their lives to violence and extremism.

So around the world, America is promoting human liberty, human rights, and human dignity. We are standing with dissidents and young democracies, providing AIDS medicine to bring dying patients back to life, and sparing mothers and babies from malaria. And this great republic born alone in liberty is leading the world toward a new age when freedom belongs to all nations.

For eight years, we have also strived to expand opportunity and hope here at home. Across our country, students are rising to meet higher standards in public schools. A new Medicare prescription drug benefit is bringing peace of mind to seniors and the disabled. Every taxpayer pays lower income taxes.

The addicted and suffering are finding new hope through faith-based programs. Vulnerable human life is better protected. Funding for our veterans has nearly doubled. America's air, water, and lands are measurably cleaner. And the Federal bench includes wise new members like Justice Sam Alito and Chief Justice John Roberts.

When challenges to our prosperity emerged, we rose to meet them. Facing the prospect of a financial collapse, we took decisive measures to safeguard our economy. These are very tough times for hardworking families, but the toll would be far worse if we had not acted. All

Americans are in this together. And together, with determination and hard work, we will restore our economy to the path of growth. We will show the world once again the resilience of America's free enterprise system.

Like all who have held this office before me, I have experienced setbacks. There are things I would do differently if given the chance. Yet I have always acted with the best interests of our country in mind. I have followed my conscience and done what I thought was right. You may not agree with some tough decisions I have made. But I hope you can agree that I was willing to make the tough decisions.

The decades ahead will bring more hard choices for our country, and there are some guiding principles that should shape our course.

While our Nation is safer than it was seven years ago, the gravest threat to our people remains another terrorist attack. Our enemies are patient and determined to strike again. America did nothing to seek or deserve this conflict. But we have been given solemn responsibilities, and we must meet them. We must resist complacency. We must keep our resolve. And we must never let down our guard.

At the same time, we must continue to engage the world with confidence and clear purpose. In the face of threats from abroad, it can be tempting to seek comfort by turning inward. But we must reject isolationism and its companion, protectionism. Retreating behind our borders would only invite danger. In the 21st century, security and prosperity at home depend on the expansion of liberty abroad. If America does not lead the cause of freedom, that cause will not be led.

As we address these challenges ? and others we cannot foresee tonight ? America must maintain our moral clarity. I have often spoken to you about good and evil. This has made some uncomfortable. But good and evil are present in this world, and between the two there can be no compromise. Murdering the innocent to advance an ideology is wrong every time, everywhere.

Freeing people from oppression and despair is eternally right

相关热词搜索: 演说 演说 美国总统 中英文 美国总统告别演说中英文x

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