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 高三名校英语试题汇编第三期专题 14 交际用语(学生版)

 1.【河北省保定市摸底试题】21.一 My family went on a tour to Korea during the National holiday.



 All right.


 Forget it. C.

 I really envy you.


 So what? 4.【浙江省十校联合体高三上学期联考】21. ---What do you say to a weekend in New York?


 A. Sounds like fun

 B. I think so C. It doesn’t matter D. I really envy you 5.【浙江省十校联合体高三上学期联考】40. ---A stranger gave me an umbrella when I was caught in the rain. ---________.

 A. First impression is half the battle

 B. A friend without faults will never be found

  C. There is kindness to be found everywhere

 D. Two heads are better than one 6.【河北省五校联盟高三上学期调研】32. — Are you a member of the club?


  . It’s years since I


 A. Yes; was

 B. No; was

  C. Yes; had been

  D. No; became 7.【河北省名校俱乐部高三第二次调研】21.-Did you go to the basket ball game last night? -______, I had an important meeting.

  A.No, I missed it.

  B . Yes, it was exciting.

 C.No, I couldn’t bear watching it.

  D . No, I won’t like it very much. 8.【河北省名校俱乐部高三第二次调研】33.-by using the DNA from a dinosaur fossil, we might someday create a living one

 -_______. Dinosaurs disappeared millions of years ago. you know.

  A. Never mind

 B. No idea

  C. That sounds crazy

 D. It’s believable

 12.【云南省师大附中高三适应性月考 】35.—Frequent terrible coal mine accidents killed over 2,000 people in China last year.



 A. Guess what?

 B.What"s up?

  C . That"s the case . D.Quite OK. 13.【安徽示范上学期第一次联考】21.—Hi, Monica, Have you made up your mind yet?


  , I think I’m going to take up hairdressing.

 A.sooner or later

 B.more or less

 C.better or worse

 D.now and then 14.【安徽示范上学期第一次联考】35.—How did your interview go? —

  ! The questions were a bit difficult, but I answered them all.

 A.Just so so

 B.Terrible C.Couldn’t be better D.Hard to say 15.【山西太原高三 12 月考】21.—I don’t feel like going out. Why don’t we just stay home and watch TV instead?

 — ______ You promised to take me out for dinner and to the theatre on my birthday.

 A. Great!

  B. Why me!

  C. Come on!

 D. Not at all! 18.【山东乐陵高三质检】27. — How about camping this weekend , just for a change?

  — OK, __________ you want.

  A. whichever

  B. whatever.

  C. whoever

 D. However 19.【河南襄城 11 月考】18.—Can you help me with the math problem, Dad? _______.

 —OK, let me think it over.

 A.I" m fed up with it.

  B.I"m stuck.

  C.I didn"t get it

  D.I can" t find it. 20. 【山东省寿光市 10 月考】31. —Won’t you go to the football match tonight? —

  .I might stay at home watching it live on TV instead. A. I’d rather not

 B. I’m not sure

  C. I guess so

  D. I’d love to

相关热词搜索: 英语 名校 用语



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