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 Read the sentences and choose the correct adjectives. Write A–N in the boxes.

 A humble

 B proud

  C wise

  D foolish

 E gentle

 F fierce

 G brave

  H timid

  I beautiful J handsome K ugly

 L selfish

  M cruel

  N greedy

 1 Lily is

  . She always speaks softly. 2

 Prince Leo is

  . A lot of girls want to marry him because of his good looks. 3

 Princess Hana is

  . Her eyes are big and black and her cheeks are as red as

 apples. 4

 Derek is

  . He has eaten six cakes but he still wants to get the last one on the

 table. 5

 Miss Chan is

  . She always gives me very good advice and tells me what to

 do. 6 Harry is

  . He is not afraid of monsters and he fights with them. 7 Alison is

  . She is clever but she never tells others her high marks. 8 Fred is

  . He never shares his snacks with others. 9 The dog looks very

  so the children are afraid of it. 10

 Charlie is very

  . He opened the door for the robber to come in because the robber gave him some sweets. 11

 Sue is very

  . She thinks she is the cleverest person in the world and her ideas are the best. 12 The witch looks very

  . Her face is black and her teeth are sharp. 13

 The monster is very

  . It catches little children and cooks them for soup. 14 Ron is very

  . He is twelve years old but he is still afraid of crossing the road

 by himself.

  Book 6B Chapter 2 Graded Worksheet 1

 Book 6B Chapter 2 Graded Worksheet 1 Read the sentences and fill in the blanks with the correct adjectives. 1 Lily is

 . She always speaks softly. 2

 Prince Leo is

  . A lot of girls want to marry him because of his

 good looks. 3

 Princess Hana is

 . Her eyes are big and black and her cheeks

 are as red as apples. 4

 Derek is

 . He has eaten six cakes but he still wants to get the last

  one on the table. 5

 Miss Chan is

 . She always gives me very good advice and tells me

 what to do. 6 Harry is

  . He is not afraid of monsters and he fights with them. 7 Alison is

  . She is clever but she never tells others her high marks. 8 Fred is

 . He never shares his snacks with others. 9 The dog looks very

 so the children are afraid of it. 10

 Charlie is very

 . He opened the door for the robber to come in because the robber gave him some sweets. 11

 Sue is very

 . She thinks she is the cleverest person in the world and her ideas are the best. 12 The witch looks very

 . Her face is black and her teeth are sharp. 13

 The monster is very

 . It catches little children and cooks them for soup. 14 Ron is very

 . He is twelve years old but he is still afraid of

  crossing the road by himself.

  Book 6B Chapter 2 Graded Worksheets

 Worksheet 1 ★

 1 E

  2 J

  3 I

  4 N

  5 C

  6 G

  7 A

  8 L

  9 F

  10 D 11 B

  12 K

  13 M

  14 H Book 6B Chapter 2 Graded Worksheets

 Worksheet 1 ★★ 1


 2 handsome 3 beautiful

 4 greedy

 5 wise 6


 7 humble

 8 selfish

 9 fierce

 10 foolish 11


 12 ugly

  13 cruel

 14 timid

相关热词搜索: ch2 GW1



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